RocPy February 2014 Meetup


I am going to gloss over the meeting itself, as I imagine numerous other blog posts will cover that ground. Instead I would like to highlight a chat that Colden and I had with Len Coia, a local programmer interested in picking up Python.

Chromebooks for Development #

The CR-48 that Google sent out to some thousands of people (including myself) was a basic piece of hardware. In order to disable boot protection you had to pull out the battery and flip a switch. To modify the BIOS you had unscrew the laptop and put a strip of electrical tape on the motherboard. Needless to say, getting another OS onto this machine was never intended by Google, and Len was willing to give Chrome OS a shot. But is the web ready for day-to-day programming?

Coding Online #

There are a growing number of editors available on the web (Cloud9, Koding, and Compilr to name a few). However, none of these come close to the power of the behemoths (Visual Studio, Eclipse, and Xcode) and I can't make any guesses as to when we will see something that powerful. If you want to work on web-based languages things are looking good, but beyond that we're still waiting for bigger and better editors.

The D Language #

Finally Colden and I spread the love of the D Language. The Circular Studios organization on Github is growing by the week, proving that D is more than ready for game programming and other intensive software. It's an exciting language and community to work with, and Len left the meetup promising to explore and learn.


Thanks for reading. If you want to chat about this article, hit me up on Twitter.